Syria Health

The Biggest International Total Healthcare Exhibition & Conference Serving Syria


Why Attend?

At “SYRIA HEALTH 2024” manufacturers and suppliers will present a wide range of:

  • Equipment
  • Components
  • Technologies
  • Raw materials
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Services

Attending “SYRIA HEALTH 2024” allows you to:

 Receive and compare proposals, conditions and prices

Find many new products and evaluate the latest competing solutions in healthcare across all product categories.

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 Find new business partners and suppliers:

Meet many new suppliers and producers in different medical sector and increase your cooperation opportunities.

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Select a supplier and sign a contract:

contact with hundreds of suppliers from different countries that will be promoting their latest healthcare achievements, technology, products and services.

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Get useful information at supporting events

Increase your knowledge and skills through educational opportunities available through supporting events of “SYRIA HEALTH 2023”.

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 Updates & ideas

Up-date yourself with the latest products in healthcare and acquire new ideas to develop and grow your business.

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Network & connect

Network with thousands of healthcare and trade professionals attending the Fair and connects with new suppliers, business partners and customers intending to do business.

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With the support of the Ministry of Tourism of Syrian Arab republic and cooperation with top 5 and 4 stars hotels in Damascus, a wide range of accommodation and local transportation services with the high standard quality will be available for the international and local participants. Far any further information please contact us.

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