Syria Health & Syria Pharma
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Healthcare Exhibition & Conference
Serving Syria
About syria health 2025ABOUT SYRIA

Exchange Rate
SYP 9500 = USD 1.00

2.5% Annual rate of change

28.1% (2017 Est.)


18.3 milion

Land Mass
185,180 km2
Opportunities for investment in the Syrian Healthcare Sector
Six years of violent conflict in Syria have caused tremendous human and infrastructure damage. Due to the World Bank’s estimation the reconstruction effort in Syria needs a massive investment of more than US$300 billion in all economic sectors and with some running, even it will be as high as US$1 trillion. It is estimated that the conflict had damaged or destroyed 70% of Syria’s Industry 27 percent of Syria’s housing stock and about more than 55% of the country’s medical and educational facilities.Due to the recent situation of Syria, the Syrian governments focused on reconstruction of essential infrastructure such as Agriculture,Healthcare, Power, Water Utilities, Residential Housing, Transport Infrastructure and others. Syria reconstruction has created a huge demand for both construction expertise and capital and Syrian government has publicly stated its need for the participation of foreign investors to achieve its objectives.
Healthcare & Medical Section of Syria
Since the beginning of the second millennium, Syria has enjoyed a great recovery that has included many fields. The most important developments in Syria were the Healthcare and medical fields, which witnessed remarkable movements and became a major pillar of development in Syria. These services were developed in the prewar phase, especially in the field of pharmaceutical industries, the spread of hospitals and health centers, and the expansion of available specialties, which meet all the needs of the Syrian medical population By 2011 and entering the country in the war the Medical sectors have declined significantly and were subjected to a lot of sabotage and damage and incurred a lot of losses. Direct damage and pillage of pharmaceutical industry from the war, as well as economic sanctions imposed on it, was a major cause of the decline of the pharmaceutical industry, which resulted in the spread of diseases and epidemics and had a negative impact on the Syrian citizen during the war. Approximately 55% of 478 well equipped hospitals were damaged, 21% of them were discharged from service and 34% were partially damaged as a result of military attacks and theft of medical equipment. More than 700 people who used to work in the medical structures have been killed and assassinated since the beginning of the crisis.
Economic Situation of Syria
Since the beginning of the second millennium, Syria has enjoyed a great recovery that has included many fields. The most important developments in Syria were the Healthcare and medical fields, which witnessed remarkable movements and became a major pillar of development in Syria. These services were developed in the prewar phase, especially in the field of pharmaceutical industries, the spread of hospitals and health centers, and the expansion of available specialties, which meet all the needs of the Syrian medical population By 2011 and entering the country in the war the Medical sectors have declined significantly and were subjected to a lot of sabotage and damage and incurred a lot of losses. Direct damage and pillage of pharmaceutical industry from the war, as well as economic sanctions imposed on it, was a major cause of the decline of the pharmaceutical industry, which
resulted in the spread of diseases and epidemics and had a negative impact on the Syrian citizen during the war. Approximately 55% of 478 well equipped hospitals were damaged, 21% of them were discharged from service and 34% were partially damaged as a result of military attacks and theft of medical equipment. More than 700 people who used to work in the medical structures have been killed and assassinated since the beginning of the crisis.
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Syria’s Critical Healthcare Sector
Perhaps most pressing of the all needs of Syria today is the reconstruction and rehabilitation of Hospitals and the establishment of regular and professional medical services. There is urgent need for hospital equipment, furniture and supplies, pharmaceuticals, intensive care, orthopedics, prostheses and prostheses center, psychiatric services in addition to emergency, rehabilitation equipment, as well as information and communications systems and technologies. Syria Health 2018 Exhibition and Conference is planned to offer international and region- als uppliers the latest medical and healthcare technology, products and services and professional platform to reach Syrian medical and Healthcare professionals.
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